Our Work
Study - Share - Support
Our work is comprised of three areas: Study, Share, & Support

- STUDY - We study why Product Development Fails, as well as countermeasures that make Product Development Effective. Study is done through research as well as direct application since we are made up of researchers as well as practitioners who have learned first-hand and successfully led Lean Product Development transformations.
- SHARE - Learning is the foundation for successful improvement. The primary focus of our work is on training and transferring what we know to others. We share what we've learned through teaching courses and training sessions on Lean Product Development, as well as through publications.
- SUPPORT - Any organization working to transform their organization can use some support. We provide coaching, mentoring, and implementation support to help organizations be successful in their Lean Product Development transformation journey.
Our Philosophy on Work, Learning, & Improvement.
- The "Plan - Do - Check - Act" cycle is the engine that powers improvement. Similarly, the "Action - Reflection" cycle powers learning. Our philosophy is that work and learning are intimately intertwined. The Action - Reflection cycle simply provides for a cycle of Learning & Doing. We believe that the most effective way to learn something is to apply it directly. Learning and Doing creates a mechanism where you learn what is most relevant at the time, and through Applying it, the learning is solidified. By applying what is learned directly to the work, the work also improves. It is this Learning and direct Application in stages that creates the greatest understanding while simultaneously improving the work while changing the work environment.